
26 Jul 2005

saturday time

today ...
you’re with me
all day long
very pleasant
share some stories
laughing together
beautiful day
gorgeous life
great sensation
a moment illusion ?
do not want to think of
do not wish to end
am i addicted to you ?

to : someone
thank you for the great weekend.

3 komentar:

  1. Anonim9:11 PM

    agusitem, www.agusitem.blogdrive.com

    hi chie :) since i couldnt find any shoutbox :) aku sapa di sini aja yaa :) .. salam kenal .. thanks for drop by to my blog :)

  2. Anonim9:41 PM

    Eh ini blog baru mulai atau pindahan ya, keep on writing Chie.

  3. Yap, ur name also familiar. Tapi seinget gue loe bukan anak 8, bukannya? apa gw salah inget yah? perlu kenalan lagi?
